Today is the feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany is a christian feast intended to celebrate the shining forth or revelation of God to mankind in human form, in the person of Jesus. The observance had its origins in the eastern Christian churches, and included the birth of Jesus; the visit of the three Magi, or Wise Men (traditionally named Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar) who arrived in Bethlehm. But in Rome there is also a second feast. This is the feast of the Befana (whose name derives from Epiphany). The origin of this tradition derives from ancient pagan costume. But, who is the Befana? The Befana is an old woman who gives gifts, just like the 3 Magi did with Jesus. She wears a big black full skirt, an apron, a shawl, a kerchief or a hat in bad condition on her head, a pair of slobs shoes. During the night between the 5 and the 6 of January, riding a broom with a sack full of toys, chocolate and candies, she goes into the house of every

child and fills stockings with her gifts. Children prepare for her a mandarin or an orange and a glass of wine; in the morning of the 6, they will find a consumed meal and the hand-mark of the Befana. But they could also have a bad surprise: infact if they are bad children, they will find carbon instead of prsents. If you went in Rome during these days, I recommend you to visit Piazza Navona: infact, this square, for this feast, is filled with hundreds of newsagents. A last thing: the Befana, for the tradition, lives in Via Padella, 2 in Rome. For more informations, post me. Dblk