lunedì, maggio 23, 2005 

"Nobles ghosts" of Villa Bessarione

This villa is situated on Via Appia Antica near the church of San Cesareo: as the legend tells, this should be the ideal place to meet ghosts. But they are not simples ghosts, they are nobles. Those are the souls, infact, that were usuall to get reuite in the villa with the Cardinal Bessarione, a Greek monk. Their appearances are very discreets: they appear, gently smile to you and then they disappear with a noise of a little bell. A noble is always a noble. For more informations post me a comment.


Souls of the church "Sacro Cuore del Suffragio"

In the 1893, thre priest Vittore Jouet, bought a big area on Lungotevere Prati, in Rome and he wanted to build a church in this place. This church called "Sacro Cuore del Suffragio" has a Gothic face as the project of Giuseppe Gualandi provided for. The september 15 of the 1897, in the chapel of the "Madonna del Rosario" (into the church) burst a fire. Once put out the fire, the priest noticed a strange icon beside the altar, made by flames: it seemed something like a melancholy face. Vittore Jouet was sure that it was the figure of a dead man who was trying to contact him; he said that this soul was in the Purgatory and was asking for prayers to go soon in Paradise. So he decided to look for some people with his same experience and when he found them, he built a museum inside the church called "Museo delle Anime del Purgatorio" (museum of Souls of Purgatory). In this museum you can find a lot of experience of this kind: for example the one of Giuseppe Stitz dated, December 21 of the1838. He was reading a book of prayers and suddenly the mark of an hand appeared on the book; moreover he said that he heard the voice of his dead brother asking for prayers and for a Mass to reach Heaven earlier. You can see the book and more other objects with a lot of marks in the museum. To visit the church you have to go to Lungotevere Prati, 18 asking to visit the museum at the secretariat of the church.

domenica, maggio 22, 2005 

Spirits of Via dei cessati spiriti

The particolar name (to make you understand, it's something like "disappeared spirits") of this street derives from the presence of a famous "Osteria" (a restaurant) called "Cessati Spiriti" (disappeared spirits). The story tells, about it, that travelers who half their travel here, were always stolen of their carts. Travelers, infact, going out from the restaurant, could just see the wind moving the grass in front of the palace, so they accused spirits for every single theft. During the XIX century, to disinfest this area from spiritswas put, on the front of a palace of the street, an icon of Mother Mary . From that moment, there were no more spirits in the street: so dwellers started to say "spirits are disapperared"(gli spiriti sono cessati). This icon was destroyed by unknows few years ago and from that day in the zone the story of the spirits is back. For more informations or just for a comment post me. Dblk.

venerdì, maggio 20, 2005 

The mistery of villa Stuart

In Rome at the 5952 of via Trionfale there is a clinic built on the rest of a villa of the XVII century. Let me tell you something about this villa. During the XIX century it was bought by Emmeline Stuart and her boyfriend Lord Allen. The woman was usually to spent her time on spiritics sessions. She was so good doing it that ghosts decided to stay always in the palace (not only during her evocations); Lord Allen changed his hobby: he choose to talk with demons instead of gardening. Servants, scared of the frequently poltergeist (flying tables, objects and pots crashing on the wall,...) left their job. One day Allen disappeard, but no one cared about it because it all happened in the villa: everyone tought that he was "recovered" from his strange hobby and so he decided to left his lady. Emmeline told that, during every night, she was usual to put an hand in a wall in the cellar to touch the fingers of the Lord and said that he touched her fingers too. A lot of years later the wall of the cellar was destroyed and the body of Lord Allen was found here. For more informations post me a comment. Dblk

giovedì, maggio 19, 2005 

Villa Manzoni

In the 1925 some relatives of the famous italian poet Alessandro Manzoni, noticed an area near via Cassia with some ruders of the Roman age. They bought it and charged the architect Brasini to build a villa here: it was a strange choice, because Brasini was famous for being a "cursed architect". This villa is composed of 3 different parts (the villa, the little one of the gardener and the stable) and a big park. A beautiful place except for strange presences. The "bravehearts" who went into the palace of Villa Manzoni tell us about crazy pictures and worryings altars and moreover they sweared to have heard sreams and chains noise from the park (above all) and from the villa. The whole area was bought in 90's from an American foundation, but they immediately lived the area because, during the on-the-spot investigation, Villa Manzoni offered "a particular show" that scared the company. For more informations post me a comment. Dblk

mercoledì, maggio 18, 2005 

The tabernacle of "Torre della Scimmia"

There is a tower in via de Portoghesi in Rome called "Torre della Scimmia" (Tower of the monkey). This is a medieval tower with a tabernacle on the top that every nights has a light turned on: this tabernacle has a particular strory. In this palace, once, lived a family who had a little monkey. This monkey was usually to ape the family, especially the new-born child: for example, once, when the mother was bendageing the baby, the monkey wanted to be bendaged too. When a day the family lived the child alone in the palace with the monkey, the animal took him in its arms and started to rock him (it was apeing the mother). When the father came back home, he saw the animal on the top of the tower rocking his son. He was afraid to approach the monkey for the safety of the baby. So he prayed the Mother of God and made a vow: suddenly the monkey left the baby on the floor. Infact for the life of his son, the man promised to Mary a tabernacle with a light always switched on during the night. So if you go to the tower today during the night you can see the light on.

lunedì, maggio 16, 2005 

The church of S. Maria in Via

The church of S. Maria in Via it's famous in Rome for a miracle happened in the 1256. The story tells that a tile was floating upon the water of a well: in particular, on this tile there was painted an image of the Mother of Jesus. The well, once, was in the palace of the cardinal Pietro Capocci, who took immediately the tile into the church. The tradition tells that in this source there was a stone taken from the well that a woman used to give something to drink to Jesus. Christians can still drink the water of the well during particulary cerimony. If you want some more information post me a comment.


Legend about the Colosseum

The wonderful monument of the glory of Rome, built by Vespasiano in the 72, it’s been choosen from sorcerers for their sorcery and considered from them as a greenhouse of a rare plants. The naturalist Deakin found 420 differents plant not to be found in Rome and in Italy: this greenhouse was called Flora Colisea (today it's disappeared because of the works at the end of the XIX century). Gladiator, slaves, beastes and christians wet of blood the stadium of Rome. I was talking about sorcerers and one of them was Benvenuto Cellini. He was completely crazy of a rich girl of Rome. So one day he went with a priest into the Colosseum (in a secret place) and here he demanded to demons what he could do to marry the girl. But demons were terribles and so he was forced to escape.
Another legend tells that here you can find (especially during the night) the melancholy ghost of Cesar (Caius Iulius) who walks through the Colosseum breatheing. But those are just some of the legends of this monument. For example in Rome there is this proverb:
Fino ch'er Culiseo durerà
Puro Roma su starà ; Quanno er Culiseo cascherà
Puro Roma ha da cascà, Quanno Roma finirà
Tutt'er monno s'ha dda scapicollà (Untill the Colosseum keeps itself, Rome will keep itself too; When the Colosseum will fall down, Rome will fall down too; when Rome will fall down, the whole will fall down).
If you want some more information post e a comment. Dblk.

domenica, maggio 15, 2005 

The Holy Stairs (la Scala Santa)

Near San Giovanni in Laterano, there is the Holy Stairs (Scala Santa). The legend says that this is the stairs that Jesus climbed up when He was judged by Pilato and taken in Rome by S. Elena. Well, at the end of this Stairs you can see a little church through a grate: the legend says that here are the bodies of Enoch and Elia, two prophets. But they are in a room that you can't see: infact the legend tells that anyone who looks at them dies immediately. The legend moreover narrates that the prophets will be back in Earth during the end of times to speak about God. In this church there is also a picture of Jesus, painted by S. Luca with the help of an angel, that made a lot of miracles during the Middle Age. If you want more information about it, post me a comment. Dblk


A different tour of Rome

First let me introduce myself. I'm Dblk, an italian student (I'm 20), who wants to offer you free information about Rome. Yes, you surely know the history of this city, but you probably don't know the hyde Rome. A Rome full of mystery and legend. If you want more information, just send me a comment and I will replace you. A last thing: please forgive me for my bad english. I will be better soon.


The church of the Holy Child

This is a photo of Santa Maria dell'Araceli situated near the Campidoglio. After having climbed up the stairs, you can see one of the most beautiful church of Rome. Here, in particular, you can find the "Holy Child", a statue of the young Jesus strongly venereted from Romans. This statue, infact, was taken in their own house by the citizens of Rome when they were very sick, because the Holy Child made a lot of miracles. One day a "matrona" (a rich woman of Rome) took the statue in her house and she was so fascineted by this icon of Jesus that she wanted to have it just for herself. So she went to an artist: infact she wanted a perfect copy of the statue. So when she had to give back the Holy Child to the church, she gave this copy. But one day when the friars of the church where sleeping, someone knocked at the door and at the same time the bells of all Rome started to ring. So friars went at the door to find out what was happening and they saw the Holy Child standing there. If you want some more information post me a comment. Dblk


Campo dei fiori and its own ghost

Campo dei Fiori is a place where you can find more tourist than citizen of Rome. This is a beautiful square in which you can see the statue of a man. This man is Giordano Bruno. Here comes his story. We are in the Middle Age and Bruno was a philosopher who was respected from Romans for his mind. A spy of the Vatican tried to find out his secret, but he failed. Infact in Rome there was the idea that he was more than a simple man: Romans thought that he was a wizard with exstraordinary powers. So the philosopher was taken by the soldier of the Pope and accused of sorcery. So the 17 February 1600 he was burned alive in the middle of this square. So Romans are sometimes scared to stay here for a long time during the night, especially the 17 of February because of his ghost, who walks through the square. But he is not the only ghost of Campo de Fiori. Infact this area was a scaffold for a lot thieves and murderers. If you are looking for the ghost of this place, I strongly reccomends you to visit this square at 3:00 am.