Maybe, once in your life, you have heard the latin quote
Domine, quo vadis? The story of this sentence it's very particular. We are in Rome (as you could imagine). We are in the I century after Christ, Nero is reigning on the throne and he is persecuting christians. San Peter it's just escaped from
his jail and now is trying to leave Rome. Suddenly, while he was walking he saw Jesus. Scared and happy at the same time to see his
Magister, aked Him: "Domine, quo vadis? (Signore, dove vai? Lord, where are you going?). Jesus looked at him and replaced: "I'm going to Rome, to be crucefixed again". Peter looked at Him astonished: "You will be crucifixed again?". Jesus answered: "Yes, I will be crucifixed again". Saint Peter, the man who revealed the real nature of Christ, finally understood those words; infact he immediately said: "Lord, I'm coming back to Rome to follow you!". In that moment Jesus rised up to the sky and the first

Pope, looked His Lord in His holy brightness; now he felt consuled and he knew what he had to do. He saw that his duty was to come back to Rome to glorify Jesus with his martyrdom; so he went to in the city and here he was crucifixed counter. This was the story. Today in the place where Saint Peter met Jesus, there is the church of "Domine, quo vadis?". In this church there is the copy of a stone (the original is in the church of San Sebastiano) with the mark of the feet of Jesus. Ps: if you want to e-mail me write to
dblk1@hotmail.it (this is also my MSN code). For more post me a comment. Dblk