Today Rome celebrates the festivity of its two protectors: Saint Peter and Saint Paul. All the city (especially near the Vatican) it's decorated and there are hundreds stands. But why they are protectors of Rome? We are in the V century and Attila the king of huns was planing to invade Rome. So he took his troups and started to go to the city. Anyone in the city was worried because of him, also the Pope. So Leone I (the pope) with Trigezio and Avienno (two very important men) decided to go near the Po (the most important river of Italy) to stop him before he had reached Rome. The story tells that when they met Attila near Governolo (a little city) suddenly Saint Peter and Saint Paul came down from the sky with two flaming swords to protect the Pope and Rome from their enemy. Attila was so scared that immediately left his intent and Italy. Since that the day Saint Peter and Saint Paul are the protector of Rome. Ps: the image you can see, it's a paint of the event made by Borgani in the church of Governolo. For more post me a comment or
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