Vi auguro un Buon Natale, sperando che i vostri sogni si avverino. I wish you a Merry Christmas, and I hope all your dreams will come true. So, it's Christmas time and here is a story about it. The origin of the festivity of this day it's been very talked-about. At the end of the III century Christmas was celebrate in differents dates: March 28, April 18, May 29 or January 6. It seems to be sure that in Rome this festivity was honuored the December 25 since the IV century, under the pontificate of Pope Liberio, but just with Giulio II this became the official date. For the choise of this day had a lot of importance the civil calendar of Romans: infact in this date there was (for this calendar) the winter solstice also called "Dies natalis solis invicti" (Natale del Sole Invitto, Birth of the invincible Sun). Christians wanted to overlap to this pagan day of the Sun the birth of the real sun, Christ, that was called Sole di Giustizia (Sun of Justice). The tradition of the mistletoe derives from a Celtic usance: infact it was considered as gift of the gods, because it had no roots and it grew as a parasite on a branch of another plant. A legend tells that it could be found in a place where a thunderbolt was fallen (it's a symbol of a descent of a divinity and so of immortality). So this divine nature of the mistleoe, inspired christians and it became a symbol of Jesus: like this plant is a guest of a tree, so Christ is a guest of the humanity. Buon Natale. Merry Christmas. For more, post me. Dblk