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domenica, maggio 22, 2005 

Spirits of Via dei cessati spiriti

The particolar name (to make you understand, it's something like "disappeared spirits") of this street derives from the presence of a famous "Osteria" (a restaurant) called "Cessati Spiriti" (disappeared spirits). The story tells, about it, that travelers who half their travel here, were always stolen of their carts. Travelers, infact, going out from the restaurant, could just see the wind moving the grass in front of the palace, so they accused spirits for every single theft. During the XIX century, to disinfest this area from spiritswas put, on the front of a palace of the street, an icon of Mother Mary . From that moment, there were no more spirits in the street: so dwellers started to say "spirits are disapperared"(gli spiriti sono cessati). This icon was destroyed by unknows few years ago and from that day in the zone the story of the spirits is back. For more informations or just for a comment post me. Dblk.