One of the most famous monument of Rome is Castel S.Angelo (S.Angel Castle), once known as Mausoleo of Adriano (tomb of Adrian). Why this new name? The legend tells that once in Rome, (during the moyen-age) the plague was killing

the whole population. So the Pope ordered to organize a procession with the most important holies objects and he decided to be part of it. So when he and the people of Rome arrived near the tomb of Adrian they saw an angel with a shining sward coming from the the sky. The Creature of the Heaven moved his arm and then he disappeared. Few days later there were no trace of the plague. So the Pope decided to put a bronze statue on the top of the tomb. So, today, this monument is known as Castel Sant'Angelo. For more, post me. Dblk
I have always wanted to travel to Italy. Dont most artist?
Posted by
Abigail Alexis~ |
martedì, agosto 02, 2005 11:38:00 PM
Thanks! I can't think of anything to ask you to blog about at the moment, but I'm sure I will! In the mean time I am just enjoying reading all the insider info that you give!
Posted by
MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) |
lunedì, agosto 08, 2005 7:30:00 PM