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martedì, agosto 30, 2005 

Mistery of an island: Isola Tiberina

The isola Tiberina (island of the Tevere, the river of Rome) is situated in the old town centre. A legend tells that this island derives from a rebellion of Rome. Infact when the ancient romans sent away their king Tarquinio the presumptuous, his assests were chucked in the stream. After a pair of years the mud accumulate itself on those, creating the island. Another story of its creation narrates that this once was a warship sinked here. If you take a look to the picture you can see that it is similar to a vessel; moreover in the island there is an obelisk located to be something like a sailboat. But this island is also been known as a place to cure ills. That is because once in Rome, in the 293 b. C., there was the plague; so to remove it, came a boat from Epidauro (in Greece) bringing the snake of Esculapius (the god of the health and medicine: the snake was his hloy animal). When this arrived in Rome the snake escaped from the vessel and put itself in the island waiting here for a while and then suddely disappearing. Romans took this event as a volunty of the god to stay here, so they constructed a temple for this divinity: a part of this is probably in the church of S. Bartolomeo. This building "de insula" infact(on the island), developed in the X century, has the well and some column of the ancient temple of Esculapio. About the church on the pediment there is written: "IN HAC BASILICA REQUIESCIT CORPUS S.BARTHOLOMAEI APOSTOLI" (In this basilica there is the body of the apostle S. Bartolomeo). A last thing: in this area there are today two hospitals, one of them was constructed form friars. A lot of people tells that here they saw a procession of hooded men walking and suddenly disappearing: someone thinks they are friars, but most probably they were members of a secret society that were buried here. For more, post me. Dblk

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