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giovedì, agosto 04, 2005 

The walnut tree of Nero

Near Colle degli Ortuli, in Rome, there was the real tomb of Nero (but it isn't sure). The insane emperor, who killed himself, was buried here from his nurses, and upon the ground of the tomb was planted a walnut tree. Acients chronicles tells that the place was elected from demons as special place for their assembly. Later also the famous witches of Rome decide to have their congress here under this walnut (meanwhile this tree became unbelievably big). 1000 years later the Pope Pasquale II decided to do something to stop them: in the 1099, after having dreamed the Mother of Jesus he ordered to dispel ashes of the emperor in the Tevere and to build a church on the ground that once was the tomb of Nero. The tree was slashed and here there was built the church of Santa Maria del Popolo. For more information, post me. Dblk

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