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lunedì, settembre 19, 2005 

The ghost of Luca de Marchettis

I've already written about nobles ghosts: this is a new story. The zone of Monteverde, exactly on San Calepodio street, it seems to be hunted by the ghost of Luca de Marchettis, a nobleman who killed himself jumping from a balcony of his house. The villa today appears as decadent and almost covered from ground ivy and just for these things it seems scary. Neighbours tells that during the night this villa is alive: they say that there are lights turning on and off itself without anyone touch them (no one, infact, lives in this house) and they hear steps. Other people affirm that they saw the ghost of Luca de Marchettis walking in this way and then coming back home and sometimes heard a thud, the thud of the suicide nobleman. So don't be surprise if romans who lives here don't want to cross this street. For more, post me. Dblk


Just stopping by to say "hi" and let you know I'm still reading. ;)

hi, i am a neighborhood and I am trying to enter in the Villa but I cannot find an entrance. If you can help me that's my e-mail alessandro.mares@hotmail.com thank you


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